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🤖🖼 AI Art Blog 🅰🅸 🅰🆁🆃

A blog related to original AI artworks. I make AI artworks using coined words and emoji as prompts.

When Kanabstracd Was Prompted with Emoji Cats, Lions and Mice Were Drawn

2024-03-26 11:00

When prompted with emoji cats along with the pseudonym “Kanabstracd” in Stable Diffusion XL, naturally, it didn't draw typical cats, but instead drew lions, mice, and various other unclear images.

As Kanabstracd is primarily an abstract artist, it also draws abstract art.

oyvme3tw d0mn644z uuvkvesf

Perhaps due to negating cats, lions were drawn.

f5sxzpue ak-ljnva

Mice were also drawn.


The following one resembles both a cat and a mouse.


Various other things were also drawn.

_f8hwaee thlpwn3k


Dasyn.com デイシン
Created: 2024-03-26 11:00   Edited: 2024-03-28