! Prompts Including My Name Worked Well in SDXL
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A blog related to original AI artworks. I make AI artworks using coined words and emoji as prompts.

Prompts Including My Name Worked Well in SDXL

2023-10-13 11:00

Until now, I have mainly used the names of famous painters as prompts to create painted-style images in Stable Diffusion. However, since I am using short prompts, anyone can easily imitate this method. To create artworks that are resistent to imitate, I decided to try using a prompt that includes my own name. In Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL), this worked well, and I was able to create various interesting images.

I will share some of the images.

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Many of these images were created using only “painting Yasusi_Kanada” as the positive prompt. However, to generate various images, I provided the names of painters, especially ukiyo-e artists, as negative prompts. I also used the names of manga artists. I used the names of ukiyo-e artists as negative prompts to prevent the materials from being biased towards Japanese ones.

Some of the images have painting signs, which were added by SDXL. It would be nice if it wrote “Kanada” or “Yasusi”, but most of the time, the spelling is different, for example, it becomes “Yasui”.

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These images can be viewed in “Artistic Style Works by Kana and Dasyn”. Kana is a nickname for my name (Yasusi_Kanada). However, while I have been publishing the original images and PDF images of the images I have created so far, I will not be making those available for these images. Only reduced-size images will be published. Of course, you can purchase posters of the full-size images on Rakuten and Yahoo! Shopping.

Dasyn.com デイシン
Created: 2023-10-13 11:00   Edited: 2024-03-26