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🤖🖼 AI Art Blog 🅰🅸 🅰🆁🆃

A blog related to original AI artworks. I make AI artworks using coined words and emoji as prompts.

An Intriguing Art of Painting with a Single Alphabet in AI

2023-05-18 11:23

With Stable Diffusion 2.1 and 1.5, you can obtain various captivating images in different painting styles by providing a single alphabet. However, to achieve a painterly style, the prompt “🖼” is added for SD 1.5, and “painting” is used as both positive and negative prompts for SD 2.1. The choice of the provided alphabet seems to influence the overall artistic style to some extent. Using “a” often results in paintings with predominantly female subjects, while “i” tends to produce abstract artworks.

Let's start with examples of portraits. The first four images are generated using the alphabet “a”.

ve8dewb9 bkxwbstg

2xb-urc7 bsyjrm0s

The following images are generated using the alphabets “b” and “c”.

n2pgqpmd bxz9c2pb

For more abstract or loosely representing human figures, we have the following examples generated using “m” and “i”.

9cy5nqvb 5nahx9uq

In terms of abstract paintings with less defined subjects, here are some examples, most of which were created using the alphabet “i”.

nvu0g5ik k4vxj4io

solk0k3c x4_qqbzf

v8uno-wf pae4nd1l

These are just limited samples of the generated images, and the “Alphabet Art” page showcases a wider range of artworks.

Dasyn.com デイシン
Created: 2023-05-18 11:23   Edited: 2024-03-26