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A blog related to original AI artworks. I make AI artworks using coined words and emoji as prompts.

AI Paints Cubist-Style Landscapes When Making AI Learn from Blaque and “Negating” Picasso

2023-09-02 14:00

In Stable Diffusion 2.1, when providing the name of the Cubist painter Braque as a positive prompt and Picasso as a negative prompt, AI paints landscapes with a Cubist atmosphere that are quite different from Braque's paintings. Many of them depict mountain scenes.

f6dmoluk pvvpcvju

46id_fie 6mqv6akj

o_tobg_g cjc9mqrr

botm0qnb kfdbzs7z

ujt3975j it0fjsz2

q3d6au3g 5jwfqgjt

In the next four images, it appears that branches and birds serve as the basis.

f0asjd3g vkbn2lfg

lukywwrd pcatqagt

Dasyn.com デイシン
Created: 2023-09-02 14:00   Edited: 2024-03-26