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🤖🖼 AI Art Blog 🅰🅸 🅰🆁🆃

A blog related to original AI artworks. I make AI artworks using coined words and emoji as prompts.

ChatGPT is the best for translating this blog into English!

2023-05-12 23:20

This blog has both a Japanese version and an English version, and the content is almost the same. When referencing image web pages from blog articles, I provide links to both the Japanese and English versions. The same applies to references to blog articles. While Google Translate often falls short, ChatGPT handles it a bit better, so I have been using it recently.

When writing an article, I first write the Japanese version and then translate it into English. Previously, when writing Japanese and English articles for other blogs, I would translate them myself. However, I do not want to spend that much time on English translation for this blog, so I have been using Google Translate. However, the free version of Google Translate produces terribly low-quality English translations. It may be because the original text of the blog includes tags and macro calls. Pre-editing before translation might result in slightly better English, but it would require additional post-editing. I do not want to go through that hassle.

Therefore, I recently tried translating using ChatGPT, and I found that it can be used almost as it is. This is convenient.

This blog has both Japanese and English versions, with nearly identical content. When referring to a web page with images from a blog post, links are provided to both the Japanese and English versions respectively. The same applies when referring to blog posts.

When writing an article, the Japanese version is written first, and then translated into English. In the past, when writing Japanese and English articles for other blogs, I translated them myself. However, in this blog, I did not want to spend that much time on translation, so I have been using Google Translate recently. However, the free version of Google Translate provides terribly low-quality English. It might become slightly better if edited beforehand, but I do not want to go through that hassle.

So I tried translating with ChatGPT recently, and found that it can be used almost as is. This is very convenient.

The blog posts are written in a language that is similar to HTML and then converted to HTML using a program. It’s more like macro expansion than conversion. The following header is included at the beginning of each article.

\cdate<2023-05-12 23:20:00>
   ... (omitted)
\title< ... >

Also, to insert images and such into the middle of an article, there are macros like the following.


This macro call inserts an image with the identifier HaxA3h8F and links it to the image’s web page. The original text is passed directly to ChatGPT. ChatGPT usually includes such headers and macro calls in the translated text as they are. I fix some broken language expressions in ChatGPT’s translations and make some minor revisions, but I keep revisions to a minimum to save time.

Although ChatGPT usually preserves most of the original language expressions, sometimes it breaks them or says it can’t translate HTML. In such cases, I change the expressions slightly and try again. This usually solves the problem.

There have been times when I did not receive a translation for a long time and it resulted in an error. Even when I repeated the same text three times, I got the same result. I do not know the cause, but it worked when I split the text into two pieces and translated them.

Dasyn.com デイシン
Created: 2023-05-12 23:20   Edited: 2024-03-28